Seasonal ingredient of the week: Broccoli

IN SEASON: October - April

Broccoli is a brassica, similar to cabbage and kale, made up of deep green buds, and a thick stem (which is a great addition to juices if you’re only interested in eating the buds).

Broccoli isn’t a ‘wild’ plant, but was a human invention (albeit a natural one) many years ago. It was bred from the wild cabbage plant and cultivated to have a specific taste and flavour that was more palatable to people.

It was developed from purple sprouting broccoli, which has recently become the trendy older sister, making it's way into many a restaurant, but they're still both the same in all but appearance! 

The best are bright in colour and the stalks firm - yellowing heads means they're past their peak. Always avoid the cellophane wrapped supermarket types too - the cellophane is sure to make them look perkier for longer! 

Broccoli is usually steamed, but try roast, chargrilled, pan fried or blanched for a change. 


- The best broccoli are bright in colour with firm stalks

- Avoid broccoli with a yellowing head - this means it’s past its peak

- Wrapping broccoli in cellophane keeps it looking perkier for longer - if you buy broccoli unwrapped, expect it to start looking sad sooner than the supermarket wrapped versions.



1. Cut your tenderstem broccoli into small chunks and add to a pan of boiling water over a medium heat with a pinch of salt

2. Drain and rinse your butter beans and add them to a large bowl. Add the cooked broccoli and your pesto. Mix it together so the pesto covers the broc and beans to finish.

3 ingredients, 10 minutes, one delicious dish! Enjoy as is or serve as a side.

Serves 2


- 1 pack tenderstem broccoli
- 1 tin butter beans
- 160g (approx one jar) of vegan sundried tomato pesto (we recommend this one)


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Cauliflower


Seasonal ingredient of the week: Pomegranate